The files that followed were listed sequentially by number. He clicked on a random one:

Redistribution Units

Commonly referred to as Stribs.


Redistribution Units function as locators, collectors and distributors of biological matter. Originally designed by Dr Stellar Huuman for the Brightlight community as a way to safely dispose of toxic material that remained after the ###############.

############ lead to ######### and although ########### to buy the patent, the courts ruled in favour of governmental ownership. This was to ensure its use for civilian safety. #####################

############# sentencing  ############public outcry. ############# ##################################

Commercial enterprises soon began to design and market their own versions of Stribs, with varied success. Two companies in particular became notable during this time. ######################### One caters primarily to the science community, the other to the cosmetic industry.

Conflicting intelligence has been gathered from both companies. It is unclear whether reports of ##################  or whether ################. Surveillance is on going.

Stribs are a constant presence in society. Their access level is universal. As such they are given high surveillance priority. Their vast numbers, however, make constant surveillance problematic. There are ongoing discussions at political level.

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